"They Create an Affair of the Heart"

"They Create an Affair of the Heart"
If there is a fault in the stars, When Clouds Touch will fix it.

Cast and Reviews

Is Anyone Seeing Me? Excerpt From : When Clouds Touch

You have love in your life and yet, you took it out of mine.          “No. I’m not going.” Paisley fought her mother’s persistent hands. Pulling off her clothing almost as fast as her mother pushed them on her. In frustration, she swung her legs over the side of the hospital bed in preparation of sitting before leaving the room. After a couple of days of laying in bed, her equilibrium was out of whack and for a brief moment everything...
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Crash Into Me. Excerpt from coming #romance, When Clouds Touch

Two clouds, floating ever so slowly through the soft blue sky, one from either direction, moved closer on a path towards collision. Angels, their beautiful song filling the air like a lullaby, sat serenely on separate pillows of softness, gently flapping their enormous wings to deflect the heat of the sun's rays from the cloud's tiny inhabitants      The tiny souls, cuddled within the silken folds, glanced across the gap and in lightening...
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Is It Rude to Want to Marry Her? #romance When Clouds Touch

So, what does a fellow do when the father of the woman he loves, just doesn't have the same feelings for him? The video at the end makes me think of all the trouble Malachi has when trying to convince Paisley's dad about how much he loves the man's daughter. An Affair of the Heart “Mom, yes I understand what you are saying, that’s why I’m calling you. I’ve only been gone four hours. Everything is fine. I’m perfectly okay with Malachi....
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I Don't Dance~ Excerpt from coming #romance novel When Clouds Touch

I love this scene from When Clouds Touch. Little acts of cute, endearing moments draw the readers into the story. This one is a dance scene. When Clouds Touch is the embodiment of a story of soul mates, Paisley and Malachi. Destined to meet since before birth, their story wraps us somewhere between loving and caring, wanting the best for someone, while wanting to see them happy, even when it is risky and they must obey the demands...
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