If there is a fault in the stars, When Clouds Touch will fix it.
“ I knew in my soul, I loved youbefore we ever met.”
Paisley has dreamed of this
connection all of her life. Held him in
every pulse of her heart. Glimpsed him from the corner of her
Eyes.Like wisps of the future - drifts from past.
Malachi chased her in his dreams ....
Across a life time. Seeing, but never touching.
And that’s how they lived life, continuously rushing past destiny.
Reaching for each other, only to have their steps redirected.
When clouds touch,it becomes an affair of the heart. Will the heart be strong
enough to accept the challenge?
When Clouds Touch is the embodiment of a story of soul mates, Paisley and Malachi.
Destined to meet since before birth, their story wraps us somewhere between loving and caring, wanting the best for someone, while wanting to see them happy, even when it is risky and they must obey the demands of family.
Paisley, a woman of Japanese decent, living with Albinism and heart disease, is meek, yet makes no apologies for seeking what she yearns. Hiding behind the protective fold of her wagasa, she yearns for freedom from her overprotective parents and the love of a man she's known only in her dreams, even at the cost of her health.
Malachi, a man who has visions of meeting an elusive shadow, uses his sense of humor and sensitive side to build their relationship. He's determined to win her love, even against the wishes of her parents.
Personally, I live for reviews. Good or bad- I love the feedback. The time a reader has taken to say something about my work, inspires me to continue writing. This latest thoughts on this romance, made me want to cry.
"This book has attached itself to my heart." When Clouds Touch a #romance of a different caliber.
"This book was so deeply touching and beautiful. It has almost a poetic style to it at times." Paisley and Malachi have spent their entire existence living parallel lives, close enough to know of each other but never really meeting. And one day they finally meet... It is as if they are destined to be together.
Paisley is an albino Japanese girl, who has a number of health issues, some related to her albinism and some not. She has a weak heart, an immunodeficiency problem, is legally blind, and must stay out of the sun. Her parents are extremely overprotective of her, but only because they love her so much and don't want anything bad to happen to her. But Paisley and Malachi have fallen in love and will not be denied from being together. The book does a wonderful job of keeping in mind the Japanese culture that is so important in their lives. Their speech with each other has a certain Asian quality to it. Paisley addresses her parents by their Japanese names for Mom and Dad – Oka-san and Ota-san. Malachi calls his by their Hindi names – Amma and Appa. There are also occasional uses of these languages throughout the book, and at the end of the book there is a reference explaining what these words or phrases mean.
It is also of utmost importance for these young people to treat their elders with respect at all times, which a significant tenet of the Asian culture. And they try to keep that respect and honor for their parents even when they disagree with them and are being torn away from each other.
Ev Wade leaves no emotion untouched as the story unfolds. Like real life, things don't always go as planned, but we have to do our best to keep on going. I cried so much, that a friend of mine who was nearby told me “never read that book again”. I responded, “I won't have to. I'll never forget it.” And I believe that to be true. This book has attached itself to my heart. It is so powerful and loving. Don't pass it by!" ahhmericanwoman
So, do as this reader suggested. Run over and get your copy, read it and come back to let us all know your thoughts.
When Paisley and Malachi decided their
story need to be told, I had no idea where it would take me. It began
with me, riding as a passenger in a car, watching an abundance of fluffy clouds floating in the sky and spying two that seemed to hit and bounce away from each other. Grabbing my trusty notebook, I wrote this scene:
Crash Into Me
Two clouds, floating ever so slowly through the soft blue sky, one from
either direction, moved closer on a path towards collision.
Angels, their beautiful song filling the air like a lullaby, sat
serenely on separate pillows of softness, gently flapping their enormous
wings to deflect the heat of the sun's rays from the cloud's tiny
tiny souls, cuddled within the silken folds, glanced across the gap and
in lightening recognition, they reached out. Before their chubby
fingers could touch, thunder boomed and puffs from their guardian’s
breath blew the clouds apart. Continuing in the same direction, yet
inches apart, the angels resumed their soothing tunes.
a couple of days, that was it. And on the third day, it all clicked.
Paisley began to tell me her story. The fact she was hindered from having
a peaceful, happy life because of the restrictions set on her by her parents. Their fear for her health and their strict observation of her
relationship with the guy she loved. Paisley has an interview at In the Chair, which explains so much more.
reactions of the parents are what really made me do a lot of research.
Why were they so hard on her? Beyond the immune deficiency and heart
issues Paisley has to deal with, she also had Albinism. The one thing I've truly taken from the research is, this is an ailment where the skin tone can be in every race/ethnicity, which proves racism is ridiculous and yet, people are still treated as an oddity and something to be feared or ignored. A shame.
I have to say, as a youth, I've known of people with the ailment, but didn't know them personally so writing about someone took a lot of study. I always want to get everything down as correctly as possible.So I went to my favorite search spot and dug in. Read many articles, looked at pictures and videos and feel really close to Paisley. Check out the interview we had at IN THE CHAIR.
I found health facts here and here, about the different types of Albinism, what causes it, genetics and so forth. Paisley happens to have Chediak-Higashi syndrome which accounts for her immune problems. is another rare form of albinism that is
caused by a defect in the LYST gene.
Read a lot of other articles, mostly on the NOAH site. National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation
If you are interested or want to know about the challenges of Albinism, visit NOAH The National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation.
If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail at webmaster@albinism.org
If you know someone newly diagnosed, go here.
While on Instagram one day, came across this magazine.Albinism Beauty, features gorgeous models and informative articles, insight, pictures and stories of people living with
Albinism. They also have a fundraiser geared to the protecting
individuals being terrorized, attacked and murdered for their body
Please , take a look. http://albinismbeautymag.weebly.com/home.html
If you like this excerpt of When Clouds Touch, please take time to fill the survey..
Enjoy this documentary of two African American brothers, one happens to have, Albinism. It's very interesting and shows some of the interactions they receive from classmates and the general public.
All publications by Ey Wade can be found at these locations. Go out and feed your reader!
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A Beautiful Observation
"...this wordsmith artist now crafted a story of opposites who see each other before they are aware then reconnect when all odds are against them.
The writing is lyrical, the settings though seemingly ordinary, extraordinary. Yet this reader was moving along so swiftly to discover what would happen moment by precious moment that only now can I admit that this author is an immense talent.
As if I were to step into a room to view a priceless Monet of words, I stand in awe of her work! I know that in reading each book, you will discover that it is uniquely a one of a kind rhapsody composed by this gifted author who carved out the notes as a sculpture would if they were instead a writer.
Yes, if Michelangelo were an author, I believe he would have read ‘When Clouds Touch” and wish he had written this novella!"
~ Paula Rose Michelson
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